hour, Chris notified Ms. Miller of her decision.

The following morning Chris met Julia Miller in Mrs. Ambrose's office again. The documents were presented for Chris's final approval, then she signed in all the right places. Mrs. Ambrose, Dr. Brown, and Andrea all signed as witnesses. After the small ceremony Mrs. Ambrose produced a large flagon of champagne which she decanted with a flourish and poured five toasts.

"Ladies, a toast!" she announced as each woman recieved a crystal glass of bubbly and raised it in salute. "To Christine Ann! A most beautiful and unique woman!"

At the wharf, Chris gave the Miller address to the taxi driver and sat in strained silence as he drove her through the streets. After a ten minute ride that seemed like an hour the cab entered a quiet upper-class residential neighborhood a stopped in front of a large two-story brick home. The door opened when Chris was halfway up the walk, Julia stepped out excitedly and greeted her warmly. "Hi! Come in, come in!" I want you to meet my husband."

Chris grabbed her hostess's arm as they entered the house. "I didn't know you were married! I thought you and all the other people involved with Greystone didn't want anything to do with men."

Julia had turned to face her in the hallway. "Now look Chris, I'm Greystone's attorney, not one of the patients." Her eyes twinkled. "I like men, and I especially like Bob. He's a rarity today, a really nice man, and our relationship is almost ideal with careers for both of us. Some men are rotten, as you surely know, and in some ways the system is too. Men admittedly have advantages like physical strength, social freedoms, and work place preferences. But as women

we have certain advantages too, like being able to dabble in things, work, or just sit back and let some man take care of us. Now, Bob is waiting." . She turned away and Chris followed her into a well-appointed living room where a handsome man of about thirty was waiting. "Chris, I'd like you to meet my husband, Bob. Bob, this is Chrissy." "Hi," Chris said shyly, offering her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Hello to you too." Bob accepted the hand, but then wrapped his arms around Chris in a welcoming embrace and kissed her cheek softly, invoking a generous blush on Chris's part. "Charmed, I'm sure." He turned to Julia after stepping back and assessing Chris with considerable detail. "My, you sure have an attractive young lady to sponsor, Dear."

Julia took Chris's arm and guided her toward the hallway. "Let me show you to your room so you can freshen up and get comfortable."

Chris hardly heard, she was so non-plussed by Bob's greeting. And she discovered that she liked the solid strength of her first bodily contact with a man. The scent of his mild cologne still assailed her scenses. Pleasant, she thought. Maybe even ... well ... manly!

As Bob collected her bags and followed, Julia led the way upstairs and into a large bedroom with attached bath. Bob deposited the bags near the door, stood and watched Chris intently for a moment, then left. Chris realized that the presence of a man made her uneasy, but she could not decide why. Was it his ever-wandering eyes that she could almost feel as he watched her? Or was it that just his presence that made her 'nervous? After all, Bob was the first man to ever lay eyes (or hands) on Chrissy. Yet she also wondered and worried about her impression on him. Did he truly believe she was nothing more than a